Arabic is the official language of 26 states. At the time of this writing, it boasts a total of 422 million speakers, a number which is only growing. This makes Arabic the fifth most spoken language in the world. As the world becomes smaller and smaller, Arabic lessons are becoming more widely available throughout the West. Today, you can learn Arabic online, in person, and through apps. But why should somebody choose to learn Arabic over seemingly more useful languages, such as French or Spanish? There are plenty of reasons a person might need to learn Arabic. We’re going to be discussing the most popular of these reasons in this article.
Religious Obligation
It’s difficult to think of a national language that is more tied to religion than Arabic. As well as being the dominant language of the Middle East for the past 2000 years, Arabic is the primary language of Islam. Muslims believe the Quran was revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the language of Arabic. Because Muslims also believe the Quran is the direct word of God, which is unchanging, the Quran cannot be fully understood or appreciated if it is not experienced in Arabic. This is why you may notice English-language Qurans being labeled as “interpretations” rather than the genuine article. Additionally, new converts to Islam are required to perform what is known as “The Shahada”. This is essentially a creed in which the new convert states their belief in one God and Muhammad is his messenger. The Shahada must be recited word for word in Arabic. For these reasons, along with the fact most Friday prayer sessions are performed in Arabic, Muslim converts are heavily encouraged to learn the Arabic alphabet along with the necessary speaking tools.
Employment Opportunities
For a long time, if a person wanted to increase their employment opportunities, they were advised to learn English. Now, however, this is changing. Many Middle Eastern companies are expanding into the Western world. Similarly, many Western companies are expanding into the Middle East. Meanwhile, businesses throughout the United Arab Emirates are offering massive salaries to qualified people who are willing to uproot themselves and move to the country. When pursuing a job in the Middle East or with a Middle Eastern company, you will likely be one of many similarly qualified candidates. Proficiency in both Arabic and English will give you a distinct advantage over the competition. Similarly, it will help you settle into your new life should you be required to relocate to the Middle East after securing the position.
Ease Of Travel
If you just can’t get enough of traveling the world, you really need to learn a few Arabic phrases. Egypt, a country that is on any genuine jet setter’s bucket list, is an Arabic-speaking nation. Merchants there are often quick to take advantage of tourists who do not speak the language. On the other hand, they hold an immense respect for travelers with even the most basic knowledge of Arabic. Meanwhile, more and more Middle Eastern countries are opening up to tourists. Even Saudi Arabia recently introduced in first e-visa program. Familiarizing yourself with Arabic will help you navigate these countries with greater ease. Finally, travel is one of the best ways to learn Arabic as it will give you hands-on experience with the Colloquial language of each Arab state.
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